TEDxCIFE is an independently organised TED event, which is run by the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) in Nice, France.



After a long pause of almost two years, we are looking forward to turning the page from a virtual to a real life again.

With vaccination campaigns accelerating in some parts of the world, we’re also trying to define what is happening – and why. What is our “new normal”? Are we going back to our daily routines or will we be changing the way we work, live and experience things? Will the pandemic push us to change our behaviour as humans so that we can tackle the climate crisis?

For some, the period we are leaving behind gives an incentive to reconnect with who we are, with nature, with our “self”. But, first of all, humans are social animals. It’s also time to reconnect, get together, share lessons learnt and create new concepts for a better living!

The TEDxCIFE event seeks to explore the richness that lies within the idea of “Reconnecting”. For our second TEDx event, we have selected this theme as we believe that the world is in a crucial transition period – with all its fascinating potential, challenges and risks.

The speakers of this event will come from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds and will tackle the topic from various points of view. Join in and listen to their experiences and questionings about reconnecting ... with ourselves, with others, with nature, with our ideals, visions and dreams.


Date: 16 October 2021

Venue:  CIFE
81 Rue de France
06000 NICE, France

Reservation is compulsory via tedxcife@cife.eu

We invite you to like our facebook page to support us. The website will be updated regularly with more information about the event and the speakers.

For questions, recommendations or comments regarding TEDxCIFE, please contact Emre Gür tedxcife@cife.eu

CIFE is a private institute of higher education and research, founded in 1954 with its head office in Nice and branch offices in Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul. Every year, students from all continents and a great variety of countries enroll in its international and multilingual graduate programs in European studies, international relations, energy transition, economic governance and climate diplomacy.
